
    Transport regulations

    a / The customer is acquainted with the fare price according to the fare price list, or by verbal agreement between both parties.

    b / It is allowed to transport persons who are not obviously unfit for transport, t. j. mainly persons under the influence of alcohol and other narcotics, as well as persons whose appearance would lead to a fear of damage to the interior of the vehicle, etc. Baggage may be carried as long as the vehicle’s luggage compartment allows and the lives and health of the crew are not endangered.

    c / The passenger has the right to determine the driving route, provided that this does not violate the rules of the road. If the passenger does not determine the route, the carrier is obliged to transport the passenger by the shortest route. It is the duty of passengers to fasten their seat belts properly before driving. If his state of health does not allow it, he is obliged to prove himself with a medical certificate at the request of the driver. There is a strict ban on smoking, consuming alcohol and eating in vehicles.

    d / Carriage of persons, children, physically handicapped persons, visually impaired persons, animals is permitted, provided that the person being transported is not endangered. Persons under the age of 12 and with a body height of less than 150 cm must not be transported in the front seat next to the driver. Pets can be transported as long as they do not endanger passengers and road safety.

    e / If the carrier does not comply with the conditions of passenger transport, or if the goods are damaged, he is obliged to compensate the damage in agreement with the owner.

    f / The customer is obliged to agree in advance with the carrier on the price when transporting consignments.